#Welcome to the Official Mixed Up Everything Community Thanks for joining us in this discussion forum to talk about our mutual love of Mixed Up Everything and other shared interests. As an MUE club member, you’ve already shown us that you’re interested enough in Mixed Up Everything to sign up, so if you have something to say, jump in a conversation.
We do have some guidelines that we ask that you follow to ensure that this is a welcome, civilized place for all Mixed Up Everything fans.
Please avoid:
Ad hominem attacks.
Responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content.
Knee-jerk contradiction.
Keep it civil
Be civil. No personal attacks. Don’t post anything that someone would consider offensive, abusive or hate speech. The use of slurs will not be tolerated in any way.
Keep it clean. Don’t post anything obscene or sexually explicit.
No politics. Given the current political climate, discussions about global politics including the political beliefs of individual band members are not welcome and these kinds of topics will be deleted. Other heated discussions will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
Respect each other. Don’t harass or bully anyone, impersonate people or share private information (including private correspondence).
Respect our forum. Don’t post spam and don’t post whore.
Respect our staff. The staff is here to help and also here to join the discussion.
If you step out of line, you may receive a warning. Repeated offenses will result in suspension and bannings. Remember, the internet lives forever. Don’t post anything that you wouldn’t want anyone to stumble on as they do a Google search on your name.
The moderators reserve the right to remove any content and any user account for any reason at any time. Users will be issued a warning if they step out of line. Repeated offenses will result in suspensions and bannings. The mods also reserve the right to immediately ban an account they view to be as an extreme problem without issuing a warning or suspension.
First Violation: You will receive a warning via Private Message or email.
Second Violation: You will be suspended from the board for 14-days.
Third Violation: You will be banned from the board.
Thank you for your understanding. We make guidelines so that your experience on the Mixed Up Everything forum, is a happy and safer place. Now go out there, spread the word and discuss your lives away on our forum. \m/